Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

Indoor Athletics 15.3.23


Allotment 16.3.23




  • Froghoppers Class

    - Froghoppers-

    Welcome to our class page


    Term One - Topic Web 

    Term Two - Topic Web 

    Term Three - Topic Web 








    Keep revising your times tables using TTRS. You need to be able to quickly recall your facts up to 12 x 12 and their corresponding division facts.

    Both Year 3 and 4 children will need to complete the Multiplication Tables Check, so regularly looking at 'Soundcheck' on TTRS will really help you! You can also have a go at Multiplication Tables Check at home!

    In Term 3 we will be expanding into multiplication and division. Focusing on written formal methods



    TTRSMultiplication Tables Check


    Book Club 

    This term, we will be reading Varjak Paw by SF Said. A Mesopotamian cat embarks on an adventure and must learn the secret martial arts of the Way of Jalal. We will keep using our reading strategies to support us with this!


    Please try to ensure you are reading at home as much as possible! Children who have read at home 5 days a week will receive a special 'READING ALL WEEK' Dojo. This will help you significantly in other areas of the curriculum! 



    Throughout the year, we will continue to look at the Year 3/4 Statutory Spellings. These are spellings that we are expected to learn throughout LKS2. Please follow the link to see these spellings and continue learning at home.

    Statutory Spellings Some ideas to practice are:


    Rainbow writing

    Pyramid words

    Trace, copy and replicate

    Drawing around the word to show the shape

    Words without vowels

    Be as creative as you like with your spelling practice!


    Important things to remember:

    PE days in Term 2 are Wednesdays and Thursdays.

    Please ensure you bring your water bottle to class - with a sports cap lid.

    Please make sure you have a reading book in school every day.


  • General

    Here are some general educational resources  saved here for you to explore!