Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust







Welcome to our class page!

In Term 6, our geography enquiry question is: 

Would you like to live in a desert?

In this unit, children will explore hot desert biomes and learn about the physical features of a desert and how humans interact with this environment.

You might like to explore:

BBC deserts

Deserts BBC

Here is this term's topic map:

 Topic Map Term 6

For anyone who was unable to make our 'Meet the Teacher' meeting in September, please find the slides below.




Keep practising your times tables using TTRS. You need to be able to quickly recall your facts up to 12 x 12 and their corresponding division facts.

Year 4 children will need to complete the Multiplication Tables Check so regularly practicing 'Soundcheck' on TTRS will really help you!


It's really important to read everyday to develop fluency and intonation. Please remember to record your daily reading in your reading diary - if you complete 5 reads in a row you get to have afternoon tea with Mr Getty!

This term our Book Club text is The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson.


This week's spelling focus: Strategies for learning words: words from statutory and personal spelling lists

Common exception words

These are words which children are expected to spell by the end of either Year 3 & Year 4 and then Year 5 & 6.

Please practice these words with your children at home.

Years 3 and 4 statutory word list

Spelling List Years 5 and 6

Some ideas to practice are:

Rainbow writing

Pyramid words

Trace, copy and replicate

Drawing around the word to show the shape

Words without vowels

Be as creative as you like with your spelling practice!


Important things to remember:

PE days in Term 6 are Mondays and Thursdays (swimming continues)

Please ensure you bring your water bottle to class - with a sports cap lid.

Please make sure you have a reading book in school every day.