Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust


Our Curriculum Intent

Reflecting on our Curriculum offer at Ninfield, our staff intend to provide educational experiences that embed the five key principles below:




Aspiration for all

We are deeply committed to inclusion at Ninfield; children must have equitable access to learning in all areas and high expectations for the progress they can make from their starting points. Through ensuring our curriculum both challenges those with high prior attainment and is accessible to those with barriers such as SEND, we strive to nurture ambitious and  life-long learners



Learning is not merely about the transfer of knowledge; it is about lighting the fire and equipping children with the tools needed to become life-long learners. As such, we place great emphasis on developing curious learners, from our play-based child-initiated learning in EYFS through to our use of enquiry questions across the curriculum. Tapping into this curiosity, we encourage our children to ask their own questions, to develop their own lines of enquiry and to tackle the 'big questions' of life.



The ability to communicate and articulate are fundamental life skills required for both success in education and work but also for achieving positive social skills; oracy, vocabulary and active listening are weaved into all areas of the curriculum.


Mirrors & Windows & Doors

Our curriculum seeks to reflect the children's lived experiences by deepening their knowledge and engagement with their locality and individual identities, whilst also offering insight into cultures, backgrounds and communities that differ from those they are familiar with. Through self-reflection and growing awareness and appreciation towards the world around them, our children develop a stronger sense of self and spirituality.



The fundamental principles of the characteristics of effective learning that provide the foundation of the Early Years Foundation Stage are valued for children of all ages at Ninfield; creativity, exploration and play provide meaningful channels for acquiring new knowledge and strengthening connections in learning.


Curriculum Implementation

Ninfield CE School follows the Primary National Curriculum
To find out more information about our curriculum design within each individual area, please see the pages below. Each curriculum page contains an overview document outlining the key topics that are taught to each year group within the subject area.
Subject Leaders ensure the intended knowledge, themes and skills are taught within their subject using bespoke Curriculum Implementation Documents which all teachers use to inform their planning. These documents outline the specific content that is to be covered in each unit to ensure a spiral, progressive curriculum model.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum offer at Ninfield, please get in touch via the school office (01424 892486) and the Curriculum Lead (Mr Getty) or relevant Subject Leader will respond as soon as possible.

Curriculum Impact