Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust


Local Governing Board  2024- 2025



Mrs Cathy Slow          


Clerk to the Governing Body:

Ms Catherine McCann




Name Category Term Link Governor Role Declared Interests
Paul Frostick Foundation Governor 27/03/24 - 26/03/28 RE and Collective Worship

St Mary's Church 19/06/24

Bexhill Rotary Club


Daniel Getty Associate Governor 01/05/23 -  Headteacher 17/04/23
Danni Gregory Foundation Governor 01/05/23 - 30/04/27 Safeguarding

Ticehurst and Flimwell CE Primary School Locum Clerk 01/09/22

DCAT Employee 30/08/22

Doreen Cronin

Foundation Governor 10/02/24 - 09/02/28

CSI inspector 02/09/24 - 09/09/28

DCAT Part time School improvement partner 11/01/24 - 31/12/24

All Saints CE Junior Academy Hastings Headteacher 01/01/2017.

Cathy Slow


Trust Governor 01/05/23 - 30/04/27



Diocese of Chichester 01/02/19 

School effectiveness officer 

Groombridge School 01/06/21

IEB Member 

Riverside Federation Governor 02/05/22

Northiam School Governor 01/01/22

Roberta Cramp Parent Governor 25/05/24 - 24/05/28


Mark Stevens Parent Governor 13/07/24 - 12/07/28
Amanda Hodd Staff Governor 22/07/24 - 21/07/28


Attendance for 2022/2023:

Name Category Appointed By Term Declared Interests Attendance
Anne Alison IEB Member DfE

20/09/22 - 01/05/23

IEB Member Groombridge CE Primary School/Alliance Partner for ESCC primary schools 8/8
Mark Talbot IEB Member DfE 20/09/22 - 01/05/23 CEO of DCAT 8/8
Jon Gilbert IEB Member DfE 20/09/22 - 01/05/23 None 8/8
Bill Roddick IEB Member DfE 20/09/22 - 01/05/23 Employed by ESCC 8/8
Janet Bowen IEB Member DfE 20/09/22 - 01/05/23 ESCC Lead HR Consultant schools/ IEB member for ESCC for Groombridge St Thomas CE Primary School 8/8
Clive Wormald IEB Member DfE 20/09/22 - 23/02/23 None 6/6
Sarah Rice IEB Member DfE 23/02/23 - 01/05/23 None 2/2
Rachel Bryan Transition Board Member DCAT 01/05/23 - 30/04/27 As main table 3/3
Daniel Getty Headteacher DCAT 01/05/23 -  As main table 3/3
Danni Gregory Transition Board Member DCAT 01/05/23 - 30/04/27 As main table 3/3
Claire Martin O Donoghue Transition Board Member DCAT 01/05/23 - 30/09/23 As main table 3/3
Cathy Slow Transition Board Member DCAT 01/05/23 - 30/04/27 As main table 3/3
Lorna Watson Transition Board Member DCAT 01/05/23 - 30/04/27 As main table 2/3
Claire Martin O Donoghue Transition Board Member DCAT

01/05/23 - 


Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months.

Name Governor Type Date Appointed Date Stepped Down Reason
Anne Alison IEB Member  20/09/2022 01/05/23 Transition Board begins
Mark Talbot IEB Member 20/09/2022 01/05/23 Transition board begins
Jon Gilbert IEB Member 20/09/2022 01/05/23 Transition board begins
Bill Roddick IEB Member 20/09/2022 01/05/23 Transition board begins
Janet Bowen IEB Associate Member 20/09/2022 01/05/23 Transition board begins
Sarah Rice IEB Associate Member 23/02/23 01/05/23 Transition board begins
Claire Martin O Donoghue Transition Board Member 01/05/23 30/09/23

Replaced by new Senior Education Lead on board

Rachel Bryan Transition Board Member 01/05/23 23/07/24

End of the Transition Board - new Local Governing Board in place for 2024-25

Lorna Watson Transition Board Member 01/05/23 23/07/24

End of the Transition Board - new Local Governing Board in place for 2024-25

Katharine Hurd Transition Board Member 01/10/23 23/07/24

End of the Transition Board - new Local Governing Board in place for 2024-25