Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

Courageous Advocacy

In becoming courageous advocates, we aim to set conditions for others to grow and thrive. Our vision of 'Growing, Loving, Learning Together', inspired by the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13), helps our children to understand their responsibility to ensure that all members of the community grow to fulfil their highest potential, an aspiration that applies both within the school, the local community, at national level and on a global scale.

In striving for growth and improvement in situations of hardship or social injustice, our children are empowered to learn from the examples of others and become loving agents of change.


What does it strive for justice and responsibility?

This year, we have focused as a whole school on the concept of justice and responsibility, learning about:

  • examples of courageous advocates in our world
  • what it means to 'Change the world'



Curriculum - inspiring action and change

We are proud that our curriculum at Ninfield is one that tackles issues of adversity and injustice, enabling children to grow more informed so that they are able to make ethical decisions and fulfil their responsibility to be active citizens making valuable contributions. 



Busy Bees' Clean-Up Protest!

In class, Busy Bees read the stories ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ and ‘Clean up’ to help the children to understand the importance of not littering our world and the particular danger this holds to animals in the ocean. The children explored this theme within their independent play, saving sea creatures from the rubbish and using recycling materials/rubbish to make something new (junk modelling).


The children wanted to create placards and they then went on a march to share their important messages with other children in the school.


School Council Led Fundraiser - 26th April 2024

The School Council have been reflecting on how to take a proactive role in supporting those in our society who need our help and have been inspired to take action. Through this process, they have decided on two charities that are close to their hearts (St Michael's Hospice and the Air Ambulance) - they then planned and ran their own event to support them. 


Earth Day - 22nd April 2024

Our wonderful Planet Protectors decided they wanted to mark 'Earth Day' this year. When asked how they would like the school to join in, they decided on the following:

- learning about sustainability in classes

- walking/scooting/cycling to school

- using no (or very minimal!) electricity


They shared their plans with the school community via the newsletter:

Forest School Litter Pick - March 2024


Whilst in Church Woods for their weekly Forest School session, children in Fireflies Class felt compelled to take action when they became aware of significant amounts of litter lying strewn across the forest floor. Having reflected on how to be agents of change, the Fireflies children recognised this was an injustice they could tackle in their own local environment and independently began their litter pick.

Tub 2 Pub Campaign - January 2024

Mindful of the sheer quantities of waste coming from packaging and containers used over the Christmas period, our proactive Planet Protectors supported the local 'Tub2Pub' campaign, collecting chocolate tubs (e.g. Celebrations, Quality Street) and taking them to be recycled.



They managed to collect 73 tubs in total!

Snowdon Climb

On the 22nd of August, Grace and her mum walked up Mount Snowdon (1,085). The weather was shocking with high winds and non-stop rain. They completed the walk to the summit in just 3 hours. Enjoyed a rest and allowed themselves to get warm in the café before preparing for the descent down the mountain. Which took them a further 3hrs again. 

It is an amazing achievement by Grace to complete such a difficult challenge at such a young age. 

Grace managed to raise £200 for Ninfield School and would like to thank all the people who generously donated. 

Thanks from the whole school community to Grace for this amazing donation.



Love in a Box appeal


Each year, David Swales from the local Methodist Church invites our children to take part in the 'Love in a Box' appeal. Year-on-year, we are amazed by the generosity and sense of responsibility our families show towards those less fortunate.



There were over 40 boxes sent off with the appeal this year alone! 

Odd Socks Day


Our children are active in their participation in events raising awareness of social injustice at all levels, including events like the Anti-Bullying Alliance's Odd Socks Day where they take a stand against bullying in all its forms.


Bexhill Beach Litter Pick


Following on from their RE topic 'How and why do people try and make our world a better place?', our Year 4/5s were inspired to take on action and 'do their bit'!


They chose to carry out a litter pick on Bexhill seafront as part of a local visit following the impact of this work.


Planet Protectors


Our pupil-elected eco-council, the Planet Protectors, take on an active role in our school in response to tackling matters of sustainability and the harmful reach of pollution.

Waste Mission


The Planet Protectors also take pride in their responsibility towards others by sharing information to help educate and explain issues of sustainability to their peers.


They have particularly worked hard to address the issue of 'waste' at Ninfield over the past year, tackling this by approaching staff and considering ways that the school could limit wasted resources and wasted food in particular.


Here is our new playground compost bin! Our Planet Protectors lead the rest of the school in maintaining this important aspect of sustainability in our school.

To help combat waste in school, the Planet Protectors have made sure that every class has a recycling bin for paper and put posters up to show where to put scrap paper. The Planet Protectors spoke to their class about the issue of waste paper and continue to remind staff and children to dispose of paper properly.

The PTFA are now selling secondhand uniform via their website which also helps to reduce wastage at Ninfield School.

All newsletters and bulletins are now emailed which also helps to reduce the schools paper usage




Energy Conservation

The Planet Protectors have worked with contractors and representatives of East Sussex County Council to help pupils understand the impact of the works that were done to the school over the past two years. Initially, they investigated the new heating system’s ground source heat pump and boiler. They then spoke to the Climate Change Project Manager to ask questions about the work that had been done and the impact.


Recently, the Climate Change team have been back into school to talk to the whole school about the impact the changes have made so far. The Planet Protectors helped to deliver this assembly, with their explanations of what climate change is and their modelling of different concepts to make it easier for the audience to understand.


Before the project began, the schools energy rating was ‘F’ but the most recent data proves that when this is next measured, our grading will be much higher and the school will be doing its bit to help the planet. Since the changes, our energy use has been reduced by more than half, and our carbon emissions have dropped from 30 tonnes a year to 10!

Demelza Hospice Fire Walking & Battens Disease Orange Day


Due to the close connection of members of our school community with both BDFA charity and Demelza Hospice, members of our school (both at individual and whole-school level) have taken action to support these important causes, including through a Fire Walking charity fundraiser and holding a school 'Orange Day' to raise funds.


Home Instead - Christmas Cards

In December 2023, the children at Ninfield supported the vulnerable in the local community for the second year running by creating Christmas cards to be shared with elderly people being looked after in their homes by the 'Home Instead' team.









Crisp Packet Collection - Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex


In order to raise money to support a worthy local charity, the Air Ambulance across Kent/Surrey/Sussex, we supported one of our children in her mission to collect used Crisp Packets.


Harvest donations - Dom's Food Mission


Our school community showed great generosity and a sense of responsibility towards others with their donations at Harvest, which was shared with local charity 'Dom's Food Mission' who support vulnerable families in the local Hastings area.