Busy Bees
Welcome to Busy Bees. Please find an overview of this term's learning here.
Term 3EYFS Long Term Curriculum Overview
EYFS Home Learning
Phonics Bug and e-books
At school, we use Bug Club resources during our Phonics lessons and supporting games and e-books are available for children to use to support their learning at home. Please log in to your child's account using their personal log in details, which are on the front of their reading diary.
Phonics Play also has some interactive reading and spelling games for your child to complete.
Please continue to read, share and enjoy books at home with you child.
Physical development
Physical development is a prime area in the EYFS curriculum and so giving children time to run, jump, skip, hula hoop, play hopscotch, complete yoga sessions etc. will help children to develop gross motor skills that they need for learning.
Fine motor activities such as threading, Lego, puzzles, practicing letter formation, practicing scissor skills and playdough will all help to build hand strength, which is key in developing your child’s skills in early writing.
In EYFS we focus on deepening understanding of numbers to 10. At home, singing number songs (such as ten green bottles) and counting objects in daily routines (e.g. whilst making dinner) will help children to secure their understanding of number.
Here are some action songs and activities that the children enjoy at school.
Saver the whale number bonds game Funky Mummy addition game