Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust


Wasps - Year 6 




Term 3

This term Wasps Class enquiry question for History is: 

Why was winning the Battle of Britain in 1940 so important? 

This investigation will enable pupils to examine a wide range of historical sources to help them gain some insight into the thinking of the leaders of Nazi Germany in May 1940 and the reasons why securing air superiority was so critical to them for any invasion plan to succeed. It also supports pupils to identify and reach a judgment about the relative importance of the factors that contributed to the United Kingdom winning what has become known as the Battle of Britain. Any moment identified in history as a critical turning point, always generates ‘what if’ speculation. Therefore pupils will also consider what might have happened if Nazi Germany had won the Battle of Britain and secured precious air supremacy.


Term 3 Topic Web

For anyone who was unable to make the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting in Term 1 or the 'SATS Workshop' in Term 2, please find a copy of the slides below. If you have any further questions, please do ask: 

Meet the Teacher

Long Term Plan

SATS Parents Presentation

SATS Top Tips for Parents

SPAG Placemat

SATS Themes in Maths

Home Learning 


We regularly practice our Year 5 and 6 Common Exception Words


Please continue to encourage the children to use TTRS each week to improve their multiplication and division fluency.



Please continue to ensure your child is reading at home on a regular basis and ask your child to explain or describe what they have been reading. This will really help with their reading comprehension skills. Please record this in their reading diary daily. 


In order to prepare the children for the SATs in May and their transition to secondary school, they will be set three pieces of homework a week (Maths, Reading and SPaG). The homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. Each piece of homework should take no longer than 10 minutes. 


Term 1

This term Wasps Class enquiry question for history is: 

Why did the ancient Maya change the way they live? 

We will be locating where in the world the Maya live. We will explore what Mayan society was like, learn about the rediscovery that John and Frederick made in 1839 and find out what the ruins of Chichen Itza tell us about the lives of the people living during this time. We will reason about why historians know so much about the Mayans and finally learn about the reasons for the Maya leaving their jungle cities. 

Term 1 Topic Web

Term 2

This term Wasps Class enquiry question for geography is: 

Where does our energy come from? 

We will be learning about the different types of energy and plotting them on a timeline. We will think about both renewable and non-renewable energy and the benefits and drawbacks of each. We will then learn about why energy needs to be traded and look at some of the trading routes. The children will study energy in two locations - Midland, Texas, USA and Port of Blyth, Northumberland, England. We will end our unit of work by carrying out fieldwork within our school grounds. 

Term 2 Topic Web