Worship Leaders
In September 2023, we launched our very first Ninfield Worship Leader group, made up of Key Stage Two pupils from across the school, working alongside the Headteacher.
The Worship Leaders lead weekly class-based worship in all class groups across the school, choosing their themes and planning activities and questions they will ask to take on greater ownership of their sessions.
"In collective worship, pupils and adults are actively involved and engaged. The creative use of pupil worship leaders leads to a meaningful participation in their leading of collective worship. This means that pupils play their part in embedding the Christian vision and the values of the school."
Class worship is led by worship leaders, who are confident and passionate about their role. They have undergone training and lead worship in a chosen class each week.
[SIAMS Inspection Report, July 2024]
Summary of 2023-24 development:
Following their successful applications, our new Worship Leaders met with Mr Getty and Miss Staplehurst to action plan for the year ahead.
Our Worship Leaders began meeting Mr Getty each week to plan for child-led worship in classes and began leading their first worship.
Taking over the new 'Loving Worship' weekly sessions, the Worship Leaders have begun to prepare a rotating focus of:
- stories of God the Father's love (Old Testament)
- stories of God the Son/Jesus' love (New Testament)
- stories of people filled with the Holy Spirit who have shown great love (inspirational people)
This term alone they prepared worship focusing on Noah's Ark, Jesus Forgives Peter, Daniel and the Lions, Captain Tom and Kevin Sinfield.
A year after we first launched our Worship Leader group, new members applied and joined in September 2024.
A training session took place where the existing Worship Leaders explained the role and supported their new team members in how to set up and lead a worship in classes.
Since then, the Worship Leaders have continued to meet weekly to review their upcoming worship together and plan further questions and activities for the week.