Ninfield C of E Primary School

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust



Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)


Our SENDCo, Mrs Bray, can be contacted via calling the school office (01424 892486) or via Her working days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

As an inclusive school, we believe that every child is unique and brings their own strengths, experiences and qualities. We aim to meet the needs of all pupils, including our pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. In addition to 'high quality teaching', which is the entitlement for all children, we provide a range of adjustments to support children.

 A child has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.  Special educational provision is that which is “additional to or different from” that made generally for others of the same age.

Our Provision for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

For further information about provision for SEND at Ninfield C of E School, please have a look at our Padlet by clicking on the image below.  This includes school information as well as information, advice and practical support on:

  • Speech and Language
  • Physical and Sensory
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Developing Attention Skills/Supporting children with ADHD
  • Supporting children with ASD
  • Dyslexia
  • Parent Support
  • ESCC Local Offer



SEND Information Report

Our current SEND Information Report can be accessed below for information about how we identify and support pupils with SEND at Ninfield CE Primary School.




Speech and Language

As part of our in-school intervention for speech and language difficulties, we use an online assessment and support programme called 'Speech Link'.  They have just launched a parent portal, a new parent support site for children with speech and language difficulties.  On the portal you will find activities to support both speech sound activities and receptive (listening) and expressive (talking) language activities.  These activities can all be downloaded and used at home.