Our Intent
At Ninfield CE Primary School we want children to love music. It is a unique and powerful form of communication that can change the way pupils think, feel and act. It enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. The teaching of music develops pupils’ ability to listen and appreciate a wide range of music and to make judgements about musical quality. It encourages active involvement in different forms of amateur music-making, both individual and collaborative, developing a sense of group identity and togetherness.
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education will engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination.
The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
- Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations
As a school, these are our aims:
- To encourage awareness, enjoyment and appreciation of music in all its forms.
- To develop imagination and creativity.
- To help children of all abilities develop positive attitudes and to experience success and satisfaction in music.
- To offer opportunities to sing, play instruments, compose, listen and appraise.
Curriculum Implementation
- At Ninfield CE School we use Charanga to support our teaching and learning of music.
- Lessons provide opportunities for children to develop practical skills and progress by listening and appraising, singing, playing, composing, and performing.
- We promote an enjoyment and foster interest of music through regular singing practice within class and assemblies, singing club and violin and guitar lessons from an external practitioner.
- Regular school assemblies are held which include song learning and music appreciation.
- Instrumental groups will be encouraged to perform in Assembly whenever performances are ready to be heard.
- Resources: We have a range of music equipment and resources that can easily be moved around the school.
- There are glockenspiels, xylophones and a number of other tuned and un-tuned instruments including: tambourines, drums and bells.
In Key Stage 2, where we have mixed age classes, we endeavour to provide the children with the opportunity to develop and build upon skills previously learnt. Our curriculum involves a two year rolling programme to ensure that children in Key Stage 2 cover all aspects of the music National Curriculum.
Curriculum Overview
music skills progression
Music Development Plan (24-25)
Our Music curriculum will hopefully foster a love and increasing enthusiasm for the subject amongst our children, and a potential for life- long musical study
We hope to ensure that children at Ninfield are equipped with musical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. Pupils will be able to make relevant links from music to other curriculum subjects and we will support pupils to speak confidently about their own musical learning, skills and knowledge.